and high-tech

Gas Custody Metering System

Manufacturing and engineering company ENCE GmbH completes projects with the equipment of leading world manufacturers. In this regard, ENCE GmbH has a number of exclusive agreements on various industrial equipment deliveries with world manufacturers from Japan, the USA and Europe, which gives the benefits of buying this equipment at minimal prices to the Customers.


Computerized metering complex solves problems connected with quality control and registration of natural gas quantity at all stages of its transportation and use. Application during building of precision gage complex and provision of optimal conditions of their functioning allows minimizing inaccuracies of definitions of controllable gas flow characteristics. The metering complex is supplied as separate block-boxes fully complete with all necessary equipment, assembled and set at the manufacturer’s production plant.

Block-type structure of the complex allows reducing time reasonably as well as material expenses for assembly or mounting and commissioning at installation place, and makes scope of design work easier and smaller.